Suzanne Dikker

About This Project

Suzanne Dikker – New York University

Suzanne Dikker’s work merges cognitive neuroscience, outreach/education, and performance art in an effort to understand the brain basis of human social interaction, and to bring neuroscience research out of the lab, into the ‘real world’. Her collaborative crowd-sourcing neuroscience experiments and interactive brain installations are carried out in schools, museums and other public places (e.g. the American Museum of Natural History, the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Eye Institute Amsterdam, Ballet National de Marseille). Suzanne is a research scientist at New York University’s Department of Psychology, member of the art/science collective DIKKER + OOSTRIK, and consultant on various art/science/tech projects.

Workshop 18th of October 13:15 – 15:45
Erasmus University College

Can we capture the essence of human connectedness; the elusive sense of “oneness” that lies above and beyond the mere physical presence of another human body? This workshop aims to investigate human synchronicity through artistic and scientific inquiry. Specifically, we combine the vocabularies from neuroscience research on “synchrony” on the one hand, and artistic inquiry on “synchronicity” on the other, where the latter focuses on concepts derived from documentation research on the artistic work of Emio Greco | PC (ABC-daire/Pre-choreographic elements). We first illustrate how the conceptual “cloud” of synchrony can serve as a source of inspiration for art/science investigation into intentional tuning (+/-/self), intentional modes of relating (dissonant/together/simultaneous), and spatial modes of relating (close and distant). And how these concepts interact. Workshop participants are then invited to participate in the dance method Double Skin/Double Mind and will evaluate their own intentionalities as well as dance performances centered around the vocabularies that were introduced. For instance: can movements be simultaneous but not together, and vice versa?



17 October