Angelo Vermeulen

About This Project


Angelo Vermeulen – Space Ecologies Art and Design (SEAD)

Dealing with Difference: Creative Collaboration in Context of Diversity

Handling diversity is one of the main challenges in transdisciplinary collaboration. People employ different frameworks, references and languages to tackle common challenges. While diversity can potentially greatly enhance the emergence of novel ideas within the group, it can also lead to stalemate or even conflict in which parties are unable to find common ground to work from. This can be further exacerbated by cultural and generational differences present in the group. In this workshop, Angelo Vermeulen will present a selection of art and science projects that he co-created with highly diverse teams. He will zoom in on challenges and failures, and share lessons learned. Participants of this workshop will be asked to contribute their own experiences of dealing with obstacles in transdisciplinary research, and how they coped with it. The goal of the workshop is to map the different examples of experienced miscommunication, friction and conflict, and connect them into a coherent typology. Subsequently, we’ll co-create an overview of different strategies to mitigate counter-productive processes and turn diversity into a true creative asset in transdisciplinary collaboration.


Lecture 18th of October 9:45-10:30

Space Ecologies Art and Design – Kunsthal
Developing transdisciplinary, bio-inspired tools – with artists, scientists, engineers, and activists – to reshape the future through critical inquiry and hands-on experimentation.

Workshop 18th of October 13:15 – 15:45
Erasmus University College

18 October