This workshop aims to think—and make—through a process of transdisciplinary ‘transactions’ and to produce and share different methods that could improve collaborations beyond the confinements of disciplinary borders.
In small groups, led by one of the four educators, participants will work on transacting different understandings of transdisciplinary collaborations through several exercises:
(1) Making Self(s): AutoBioFiction
(2) Making Words: Neologisms
(3) Making Wor(l)ds: Clouds
(4) Making Pasts: Archives
‘Trans/actions’ is an intermediate result of a long term research-collaboration in the context of the Erasmus Plus Strategic Partnership project, named ‘Exploring Transdisciplinary Education combining Arts & Sciences’. Strategic Partnerships are transnational projects designed to develop and share innovative practices and promote cooperation, peer learning, and exchanges of experiences. This specific research partnershi
p consist of RASL, the Rotterdam Arts and Sciences Lab (Willem de Kooning Academy University of Applied Sciences, Codarts, Erasmus University); the Graduate School of Creative Arts and Media (GradCAM), Technological University Dublin; Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest; Roskilde University; and the Master Transdisciplinary Practices at Zurich Un
iversity of the Arts.
The workshop welcomes both BA and MA students from the institutions listed above. To enrol, please send an email to with the subject ‘RASL Transactions workshop 2021’. There are only a limited number of places available, so make sure to register on time.