where arts & science meet

Do you have an artistic or a musical talent, as well as a hunger for academic knowledge? You can now mix arts and academia in metropolitan Rotterdam.

Three excellent educational institutes offer you the possibility to combine theory and practice in a five-year Dual Degree programme.

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RASL, the Rotterdam Arts and Sciences Lab, offers you the possilibity of combining the following studies in a 5-year Dual Degree programme:

Erasmus University Rotterdam, Codarts and Willem de Kooning Academy offer 4 dual degree options.

  1. Willem de Kooning Academy (Fine Art and Design) + Liberal Arts
  2. Willem de Kooning Academy (Fine Art and Design) + Arts and Culture Studies
  3. Codarts (Music) + Liberal Arts
  4. Codarts (Music) + Arts and Culture Studies

Each dual degree programme sets you up for a 5 year study plan, with a normal study load of 60 EC per year, leading to 2 bachelor diplomas.

These Dual Degree tracks are unique in The Netherlands and Europe. Nowhere in the EU can you find the possibility to combine such a wide range of studies at the intersection of arts and sciences.

At WdKA the following Bachelor programmes take part in the Dual Degree: Fine Art and all Design majors.

At Codarts the following Bachelor Programmes take part in the Dual Degree: Classical Music, Jazz, Pop and Global Musics.

Combine Willem de Kooning Academy – a major in Fine Art or one of the Design majors – with a Liberal Arts studies at Erasmus University.

Duration: 5 years
Result: 2 Bachelor diplomas

Combine Codarts – a major in Classical Music, Jazz, Pop or Global Musics – with a Liberal Arts studies at Erasmus University.

Duration: 5 years
Result: 2 Bachelor diplomas

Erasmus University College offers a Liberal Arts program in which students can choose from 17 majors, in 4 departments – Economics and Business, Humanities, Life Sciences, Social and Behavioural Sciences.

Combine Willem de Kooning Academy – Fine Art or one of the Design majors – with Arts and Culture Studies at Erasmus University.

Duration: 5 years
Result: 2 Bachelor diplomas

Combine Codarts – a major in Classical Music, Jazz, Pop or Global Musics – with Arts and Culture Studies at Erasmus University.

Duration: 5 years
Result: 2 Bachelor diplomas

The International Bachelor Arts & Culture Studies is part of the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication.

The Dual Degree tracks are unique in The Netherlands and Europe. Nowhere in the EU can you find the possibility of combining such a wide range of studies at the intersection of arts and sciences.


After graduation you will have the possibility to:

  • follow a science–based, arts-based–, or interdisciplinary masters programme
  • develop a transdisciplinary practice, working at the cross-section of different disciplines.
  • work professionaly in the arts or academia, in which case you will hugely benefit from the other study, having developed interdisciplinary skills that will help you work across disciplines, and combine or integrate different knowledge fields.


We believe that today’s world needs multidisciplinary experts who can address complex and multidimensional challenges. Your artistic practice will benefit from your theoretical knowledge and vice versa: your theoretical work is fueled by your experience as an artist.

During your studies you will develop knowledge and skills from both studies, but you will also question the boundaries and conventions of those disciplines and develop a position in the in-between spaces of art and science.

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  • Study at 2 established educational institutes that have a long history in The Netherlands
  • Be part of a vibrant community of dual degree students
  • Design your own studies by choosing from different majors and a large elective program
  • Take courses, developed specifically for dual degree students, at the intersection of arts and sciences and develop transdisciplinary skills and competencies
  • Use state-of-the-art facilities of 2 excellent educational institutes
  • Develop deep disciplinary knowledge in your chosen study majors
  • Be part of an international and inclusive community. Our schools have students from all over the world and offer a wide range of community activities – organized by students as well as the institutions themselves.
  • Live in a lively and dynamic city, with a vibrant cultural and night life – museums, clubs, music stages, theaters, restaurants and cafe’s.
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Dual Degree students build unique practices, based on their 2 studies.

Meet Sebastiaan West

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The programme is offered by the Rotterdam Arts & Sciences Lab (RASL). The following institutes and departments participate in the Dual Degree:

Erasmus University Rotterdam

There are two programmes within Erasmus University Rotterdam:

And within Willem de Kooning Academy (Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences) the following departments participate:

from Fine Art:

from Design:


There are four music departments participating within Codarts Rotterdam:

For more information about the Dutch higher education system and the difference between research universities and universities of applied sciences please consult this website.